Introduction to Homestay

Your Homestay Experience: Speak English like a Local

Try new foods and activities. Explore an inviting community. Create many close friendships.

When you live with a Canadian homestay family, you’ll excel at learning the English language. Immersed in local culture, you’ll have the chance to hear new expressions. Try your latest new words. Laugh at English jokes.

Discover the English-intensive homestay experience as an enriching cultural experience. It’s a key component of our International Education program.

You’ll share a fine home in West Vancouver with a welcoming Canadian family. Participate in their everyday activities. Have fun while learning.


Come with an open mind

Your attitude and friendliness will help you get the most out of your homestay visit in Canada. So, come with an open mind. Come prepared to participate in family life. You’ll share chores and responsibilities just like a family member.

Yes, your first few weeks in an unfamiliar country with a new family might be difficult. It’s natural to feel homesick or frustrated with a new environment and language. Be patient.

Give yourself time to adjust to your new surroundings. Many students are amazed at how quickly their attitude can change for the better.

Keep the International Programs office informed

If you join your host family in holidays and/or travel, you’ll be expected to share the costs. If you choose not to participate in these activities, any alternate arrangements must be acceptable to you, your homestay parents, and our International Programs staff..

If students are not staying at or with their host parents, our International Program staff should be notified.